Event Date: 2022-11-10 to 2022-11-11
Event Date: 10-11 November 2022
Location: Bangkok, Thailand (in-person)
Harnessing data by citizens for public policy and SDG monitoring: a conceptual framework
Upon the official invitation of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), the Leave No One Behind (LNOB) partnership attended an Expert Group Meeting of the IAEG-SDGs from 10-11 November, in Bangkok.
The meeting aimed to develop a conceptual framework for “Harnessing Data Generated by Citizens for Public Policy and SDG Monitoring”. Overall, the meeting investigated how civil society can be involved in all steps of the SDG processes. More specifically, the meeting
- Discussed different ways and types that citizens can be engaged in producing data and making an impact on policies.
- Discussed the possibility of a conceptual framework on ways of citizens being engaged in data production and use and in filling SDG data gap, including discussions on various concepts and definitions and key attributes in engaging citizens in the entire data value chain.
- Reviewed challenges of integrating these data into official statistics and policy processes and discusses how the international community could support the engagement with citizens in various ways through sharing of and documenting experiences and providing guidance.
The Expert Group Meeting was attended by National statistical offices and other stakeholders within the national statistical system, academia, civil society organisations and private sector. The Leave No One Behind (LNOB) partnership was represented at the IAEG-SDGs by Peter Koblowsky, Senior Partnership Manager, International Civil Society Centre, national leads from the LNOB country coalitions in India, Nepal, Vietnam and Kenya, and LNOB global members from CBM and Development Initiatives.