Event Date: 2021-01-29 to 2021-01-29
Our partners from WNTA have established regional ‘Open SDG clubs’ in India in collaboration with GIZ, where different stakeholders and professionals can come together to develop actionable strategies to support the inclusion of vulnerable communities in achieving SDGs (under the Leave No One Behind principle). To that end, our partners warmly invite you to the ‘Open SDG Clubs India – Bringing Civil Society Together’ on 29 January, 2021 between 3.00-5.30 pm India time. Find a flyer attached.
The meeting has a registration. Please express your interest to participate by filling out this form: https://hrf-net-in.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvf-moqD4iHdUzMWBR2iOhEGT7LcMoldCN